Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Morag Kennedy (1996)

'Ah, I remember it well...'
" first job after I had left school as a maid at the Castle. The Brigadier was living on his own at that time. I was taken on as a 'between maid'. The full complement of staff was as follows: housekeeper, secretary, cook, between maid, tablemaid, chauffeur, handyman and gardener.

We maids had two uniforms. We had to buy them ourselves. In the morning we wore a blue pinafore with a white apron and flat shoes; in the afternoon it was a blue taffeta dress with a creamy coloured apron and shoes with a heel. I liked them fine.

Even although I lived at Broadhill I had to stay at the Castle. The maids were obliged to; other members of staff lived out. Every morning at 7.00am I took up hot water to the bedrooms and then helped cook prepare breakfast for 8.30am.

Before sitting down for breakfast there was Morning Worship for all the household.

When the tablemaid left I got her job. I stayed for three years. But I was always homesick even although I could see Broadhill thro' the windows!

My next job was at Stronvar, working for a family that had been evacuated from France. He was a chartered accountant. This was better - more money and I could sleep at home!"

Morag Kennedy
Coll Magazine - Article by Morag Kennedy

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