Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Sarah Oliphant (1996)

The Wish Fairy

The Michaels had just arrived at their new house in the countryside. They had an enormous garden with flowers and nice juicy vegetables. There was a big jagged hedge right the way round the garden with a nice tall gate.

Sam and Katy were so excited but for ages they had wanted a holiday. Katy said, "Let's go and collect some of those nice big fat pine cones for the fire in the house."

The house was just like a real countryside house with a nice big wooden kitchen table. Katy and Tom had a bedroom of their own each with Captain beds and lots of toys.

While Katy and Tom were out collecting pine cones, Katy spotted a flash of light but Tom didn't believe her. That night, Sam and Katy talked about the flash of light. They agreed that they would go out and in vestigate the next day. After they had breakfast they set off with food and drink.

"We'll be back before it's dark," said Tom. The forest was so magical, there was a river running right through the middle. There were wild animals roaming everywhere.

"Let's climb this tree, maybe we will see something up there."

"Hey, what's that?" said Tom.

"What's what? OH, that! That's what I saw, but oh no, you didn't believe me as usual. Anyway, let's go and see what it is. Come on Tom."

"But I am hungry, let's eat."

"OK, let's eat under this oak tree so I can keep an eye on this bright hole."

"Hey, look there are some strawberries, I am going to pick some."

"OK, but don't be long," said Kate. She was waiting when she felt a thing land on her head.

"What's that?" she said.

"It's me." "Who?" "Me, the fairy."

"Let me get this straight, where are you?"

"I'm here on your head. Well lift me off then,"

"Were you that bright dot of colour I saw?"

Katy and the fairy spoke for a while. Tom came searching for Katy. Tom said,

"Let's eat and go."

The strawberries were lovely. When they got home Katy said,

"Guess what, I saw a fairy."

"Yeah, really," said Dad.

"It's true," said Katy.

"That's what she says," said Tom.

"I'm not kidding. Oh I wish the fairy was here to tell the truth," said Katy.

"It is true," the fairy said as she flew through the window, "I am a wish fairy, I will grant you any wish you want."

They asked for a holiday in the Caribbean and from that day forward they lived happily ever after!

Sara Oliphant, age 11.
Coll Magazine - Article by Sarah Oliphant

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