Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Paul and Shona Meryon (1995)

My Leaving Day

In June 1994 Paul Meryon and his sister Shona left Coll to go and live in Fife

When I woke up in the morning I was very excited. I got dressed. I had my breakfast but when I was told that I was going to school I thought we weren't going. I only stayed at school for the morning, then my Mum picked me up so that I could get on the boat. On the boat I had nothing to do so I had lunch and played around.

After the summer holidays I started a new school. It is smaller than Coll school but has more people and the toilets are outside. At first I didn't like the school but I had to go because all the other schools arc too big for me so I really had to go. My best friend is Ben.My teacher is called Mrs Brady and my work is easy.
Coll Magazine - Article by Paul and Shona Meryon

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