Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Editor (1991)


It is - it seems - a common observation that, at times of social change and upheaval, people's taste in reading and entertainment turns towards nostalgia and stable images of times past. Well, perhaps that's what this year's issue of the Coll Magazine is offering at a time when population trends and work patterns seem particularly uncertain here on the island.

As though to emphasise this, extracts from 'The Coll Almanac' for 1890 (price lp.!) have been included and will almost certainly be a regular feature in future issues.

The winds of change have also touched last year's magazine Committee which has dwindled from an enthusiastic but unwieldy 15 to just 4 - who are more co-workers than a committee.

The Magazine itself is slightly bigger, has a different layout and is produced in a different way. Also, unfortunately, the inevitable increases in production costs are reflected in its selling price. Even with a team of four workers, the Magazine takes some time to complete and it continues to amaze us that it was for several years, substantially a one-person undertaking. So all credit to Pat Barr and Mairi Hedderwick, ably assisted by Florence Russell, for their past efforts.

For next year, we really would like to publish the Magazine by Easter and so take this opportunity now to urge particularly mainland-based friends of Coll, to send us articles, sketches, etc. as early as possibly - in fact, why not start now?!

Thanks for your support.
Coll Magazine - Article by Editor

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