Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by M. M. (1986)

Morag Kennedy died on 9th January, 1986, aged 83 years. Morag was born in Uist and first came to Coll in 1923 to do domestic work at Clabbach Manse; while there, she became friendly with Elsie Macfadyen of Ballyhough, also originally from Uist. After leaving Coll two years later, Morag heard that Elsie had died and came back to see John Macfadyen (Else's husband). She didn't intend staying on Coll (having left her luggage at the pier!) but felt sorry for John and his motherless children and stayed on. She and John married to 1926 and they lived in Ballyhough till his death in 1950. She kept Ballyhough going for six years and then married Ronald Kennedy and lived with him and his son lain at Clabbach till Ronald died. Morag then lived in Uig till 1983 when ill health forced her to leave the island.
Coll Magazine - Article by M. M.

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