Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Pat Barr (1984)

The Project Trust new Selection Centre at Bousd,
The Project Trust's new Selection Centre at Bousd, Coll. was opened by Sir Robin MacLennan C.B.E., former chairman of the Scottish Tourist Board on Saturday, August 20th, 1983. A large number of Collachs, some 'summer swallows' and visitors looked round the building which members of Project's staff have handsomely renovated and decorated. Its comfortable, pine-clad offices contain much up-to date equipment -I cetainly didn't realise that there are so many telex machines on Coll! - and on the walls are photos of the present crop of volunteers working in far-flung places, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Argentina and Hong Kong among them.

A film of Project's works on Coll and overseas was shown and refreshments were served outside in warm sunshine (honest, Robert Sturgeon wore his lightweight African safari suit!). ln his address Major Bristol announced that Project Trust had recently acquired eighty acres of land around Bousd and Ballyhough Farm which he intends to build up as a training centre. He also wants to run courses for youngsters on the island to raise more funds for Project. Sir Robin, who unveiled a plaque on the Selection Centre's gatepost, said that Project and its work is unique in the world and he felt sure that the people of Coll are proud to have such an organisation operating from the island.
Coll Magazine - Article by Pat Barr

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