Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Editor (1989)

Coll Coastguard

It is sad to report that this year saw the end of the Coastguard Auxiliary service as we have known it since it started in the early '30s. Rescue helicopters with heat sensors and fancy computers, it seems, have more lifesaving potential than breeches-buoys .

No more will the District Coastguard Competition finalists quail at the thought of the Coll team, who have won the Cup for the last two years running for fastest speed and accuracy in attaching breeches buoy equipment in shore to ship simulations. Where better a last resting place for such an historical trophy but the Coll pub? Keep polishing it buoys - sorry, boys. Here, as a tribute to some 'boys' past - and some still present - is this issue's MYSTERY PHOTO NO.I Names on a p.c. to the Editor, please. Prizes, of course, are equally a Mystery. MYSTERY PHOTO NO 2 Where ? When ? Who? Only one of the group is still living on Coll; a little bit older but still with a fine sense of occasion when it comes to dressing up

Photo: Courtesy of Donald MacLeod.
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Coll Coastguard
Coll Magazine - Article by Editor

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