Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Unknown (1992)

The Coll Almanac - 1888

The island produce of Butter and Cheese continues to maintain its reputation for excellence of quality, and being much in request, commands the highest price in the market.

The breeds of Ayrshire and Highland Cattle, Clydesdale Horses and Blackfaced Sheep are above the average, most of them being bred from pedigree animals which have taken prizes in the leading Shows in Scotland.

All kinds of Vegetable and Root Crops grow to perfection. the climate being equable and mild. Tomatoes and Vegetable Marrows have been grown in the open air during the summer of 1887.

The surrounding fishing banks afford a plentiful harvest to the energetic fisherman. Considerable quantities of Fish find their way to London and other Markets in the South, and only fuller facilities are required to develop this into a large industry. The neighbouring Island of Tiree is also famous for all kinds of Agricultural Produce, for its Highland Cattle, and in particular for its Butter. Many hardy Horses are bred there, and a considerable quantity of kelp is manufactured.
Coll Magazine - Article by Unknown

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