ROADS. Considerable efforts on the part of the Community Council, concerning very poor road conditions, resulted in a flurry of visits both via ferry and helicopter(!) by various officials for tours of inspection.
We have lost count of the times our chairman has whisked officials around Coll, at top speeds. - and in particular across the grid at Kilbride - so as to leave them with a lasting impression of the condition of our roads!
In response, we have been promised a budget set aside for Coll only plus second phase works to begin early 1992!
We are also pleased to report that Ken Jones has done an excellent job in raising the grid at Kilbride.
OLD PIER. We are pleased to report that the leasing of the pier has now been finalised and the project has been put out to tender.
The fund raising efforts throughout the Summer raised in excess of £ 1500, and this, together with a kind donation from the Fishing Competition Committee and grants from Highlands Enterprise, Argyll & Bute and Strathclyde Council, should allow the project to go ahead.
Now all we have to do is find someone, somewhere to do the job!
Our thanks to everybody who helped and supported all the fund raising events and in particular the donors of prizes for our Grand Summer Raffle.
AIRSTRIP. In April, a visit was made by two representatives from the Royal Engineers, with a view to assessing Coll for an improved airstrip under the Military Assisted Civilian Scheme. They confirmed that they could undertake such a project as an excercise lasting approx. 2 weeks and they recommended blasting and extending Ballard airstrip, together with extensive drainage.
Logan Air expressed their support for the project and proposed a visit in order to assess other requirements.
BRITISH TELECOM. Telecom have expressed their concern at the bad repair of the public telephone box, in particular its lean (like Pisa!). They have offered to replace it with a modern version and, despite the Council's reservations about draughts around the ankles, have declined to rennovate the old box and have also refused a request for an additional. more central booth.
Looks like we are stuck with cold feet during Winter and long queues during Summer!
WATER SUPPLY. Concern regarding the general water supply and its ability to cope was expressed to the Council and this was followed by a detailed inspection. The water tested was found to be A 1 and the Council gave an undertaking to upgrade the system in the next few years.
KIRKCARE HOUSING. After a few hiccups with drainage problems, the Kirkcare Housing at the end of Carnan Road, started early in 1992.
They will comprise of four 2-bedroomed and two 1-bedroomed units forming a cul de sac at the end of Carnan Rd.
CEMETERIES. A report was given by the chairman on the condition of Killionaig graveyard. It was confirmed that the gates (middle section) were in urgent need of replacement. Estimates were sought but to date, we are still waiting for the Council to approve them. Hopefully they will get around to this shortly! R.S.P.B. With the acquisition of a large area of Coll by the R.S.P.B., a lot of concerns were voiced by the community with special regard to access and farming operations. The Community Council wrote to the R.S.P.B. and they agreed to hold a meeting to allow these concems to be voiced as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this meeting was cancelled due to the officials not being able to land, but was deferred until a later date.
CALEDONIAN MACBRAYNE. Last but not least! It was confirmed that Lilley Construction had won the contract for linkspan at Coll and Tiree and that work was expected to start early May.
It was also confirmed that new waitingroom, store and toilet facilities would be completed along with new parking space and linkspan to be ready for Summer 1992.
Concern was also voiced by the Community Council regarding the Food Safety Act and Transport of Frozen Foods, as a consequence of which, the suppliers of frozen foods were becoming limited. Cal. Mac. replied that discussions with the Dept. of Environment had confirmed the acceptability of the present cold store unit for the transport of frozen foodstuffs.
An extraordinary meeting with Cal. Mac. was held on Thursday December 5th. and was well attended by the island. Representing Cal. Mac. were Willie Kindness, Oban, and Colin Paterson, chairman of Cal. Mac. It was an opportunity to voice concerns and complaints about our service past and present.
To kick off, ferry capacity was raised, in that space was not always available for freight, berths or vehicles, and block bookings not always honoured were felt to be the source of this problem.
Mr. Paterson replied that the problem would be solved when the Ro-Ro came into operation, since this allowed a greater volume of traffic to be loaded. Berth space would sometimes be limited.
Two main concerns raised were a possible service out of Mallaig to Coll and Tiree and the withdrawal of a vehicle service from Tobermory to Coll & Tiree.
Cal. Mac. confirmed that it was not its intention to serve from Mallaig, although it was a possibility there might be a partial service and that vehicles could not be loaded at Tobermory once the Ro-Ro came into operation as it was not possible to load for Ro-Ra and side-lift at the same time. Since much concern was expressed at this withdrawal, Mr. Paterson did concede that it may be possible for vehicles to travel on a Monday only!
Mr. Paterson also confirmed that there were no plans to close the carriage of loose fright as they had done with Mull.
Pilfering of goods in transit was also raised and a request to telephone Mr. Kindness immediately this occurred, using the pier telephone, was suggested by Mr. Paterson. He also confirmed that the ferry would not be told to cancel its 2nd. call after she had left Coll.
Some comment was raised regarding more effective coordination with Logan Air schedules. Mr. Paterson replied that he was happy to co-operate with Logan Air providing it didn't mean altering sailings!
Finally, some complaints were voiced regarding loose freight at the pier store and Mr. Paterson confirmed that it was the Piermaster's duty, if the freight lay in the store for longer than one day, to ring the party concerned and inform them of its arrival.
Having covered a variety of matters, the chairman closed this meeting at 12.20 allowing Mr. Paterson and Mr. Kindness time to catch the ferry! |