Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Donald Munro (1995)

Oliver Drops It
Oliver Drops

It Oliver is Sam's teddy. He used to be Sam's Mum's bear, which means he is very old. Being old has not made Oliver very sensible. Here is what happened on the day Oliver and Sam decided to do some baking.

Let's make some jam tarts for tea said Sam. Mix it up and make it nice. Pop goes the weasel! Here you go Oliver, you can play with this piece while I roll mine out. What a long snake you have! 1 am making mine into shapers, said Sam. Oh poor snake, you smashed it flat. One spoon full of jam, a spoonful of jam in that one, now you are going to roll it flat so you can make some tarts. Oh no Oliver! Don't throw it up. It has fallen on the ground so we can feed it to the birds.

by Donald Munro.
Coll Magazine - Article by Donald Munro

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