Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Editor (1995)

A Coll Door Welcome
A Coll Door Welcome

"But I can't take my boots oft"
says Bugsy.

We hope that you have enjoyed the magazine. We always welcome contributions and these - and any other communications - should be sent to Alison McVey (Secretary), Ccann a Bhaigh, Isle of Coll, no later than December 31st 1995.

The magazine can be ordered by post: please make cheques payable to The (:oll Magazine. ( £2.50 incl. p&p; £3.00 for overseas subscriptions.)

The Commitee members would like to thank everyone who has assisted in the production of this edition and welcome any suggestions for future publications.


During the past year the Magazine Committee has supported the playgroup with a donation of fifty pounds and we also paid for the Pensioners' Christmas Dinner. In the future we hope to be able to continue funding island activities wherever possible.
Images associated with this article:-

A Coll Door Welcome. "But I can't take my boots off"!, says Bugsy
Coll Magazine - Article by Editor

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