In March, by popular opinion, The island has sunk a foot! The water's lying everywhere Or there's acres of black mud. Never mind, the clocks change now To "British Summer Time" Aye, that's a joke but anyhow It'll soon be lambing time.
April comes along again The weather, it gets worse. The first week we look for sun in vain, The lambs we need to nurse. This is the Blackface ewe's prime time To further its ambition: To have twin lambs at half-past nine, And be dead at ten to eleven
In May I must admit The weather is sublime The island looks at its best And there's the end of lambing time. Perhaps it's been a good one, Perhaps you're not too sure. You say you'll never lamb again But you will, of course. . next year
June is hectic on the farm The Lambs are marked an counted The hoggs are clipped, they're getting warm, The big old dog is foundered. He's getting lazier every year, It's time he was out to grass. but I'll have just one word in his ear, or kick him up his ... |