Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Julia Payne (1990)

The Snow Queen
The Snow Queen

Julia Payne

One day a snow queen came to Coll. It was a lady queen. She came in her sledge. Reindeers pulled it. The sledge was white and it was beautiful with sparkling jewels. The snow queen had a fur coat made of polar bear’s wool. She made flowers die. She set homes on fire. She did horrible things. She even put the school on fire. She put spells on people who would not serve her. She made us cold. She would not stop. They tried to stop her but she only put spells on them. 100 died. That’s how there were only a few left. Some couldn’t suffer very well. She ate ate all our food. I didn’t like it. Rocks crumbled. Some animals died. On her way to Coll she had dropped some crystals. They were lovely crystals and it was lucky she did because the poor people needed some to buy6 things. The people of Col were still fighting with the mean old witch queen. She thought it was fun. It was fun fighting and then CRASH BANG CRASH, the Snow Queen fell in a big big muddy hole and she had no food and drink and so she died and the people of Coll repaired Coll and they were rich.

The End.
Coll Magazine - Article by Julia Payne

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