Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Editor (1999)

Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty

The Coll Players were once again in good form in their annual foray into the world of pantomime.

The many weeks of rehearsal paid dividends, resulting in a highly polished, well choreographed and much individualised interpretation of Sleeping Beauty.

With Lavinia Bristol as narrator, the performance opened with one of Coll's most enduring double acts: Peter Smalley, cantankerous in his role as the difficult wife, Queen Polyfilla, and Ron Davies, the long suffering King.

A nimble court jester, Esther Houchen, hovered jokingly in the background as plans for the christening party for the new baby, Princess Timotei, were made.
In true fairy tale tradition the most influential guests at the christening party turn out to be the good fairy and the bad fairy, in this case the Grand Wizard, Elvis Porresley (John Porrelli) - complete with guitar, blow-dryed DA and a pseudo-American accent – and Cronella (Jo Davies), a snarling and dark tempered witch.

Tim Gardner played the adult Princess Timotei with obvious relish, the waist length golden hair no impediment to complicated Spice Girl dance routines.

Lesley Allan, the bold and dashing Prince, was accompanied by a horse with attitude, Frances Wright and Deborah Alexander. Julianna Nicholls provided light entertainment on the side as a Calmac scrubber and Laura Anderson was the gardener of many words.

Special mention must be made of Lesley Allan and Julianna Nicholls who wrote the script, of Julianna Nicholls as director and, last but by no means least, the individuals within the community who helped in the enormous behind the scenes effort to sew and construct costumes and to paint the scenery.

We are all looking forward to the 1999 production.
Coll Magazine - Article by Editor

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