Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Editor (2001)


Welcome to the 19th edition of the Coll Magazine. This issue has seen the same main body of folk work on the magazine as last year, and we seem to be settling in to our respective roles. A welcome new addition is Nic Smith who has joined the committee as proof reader extraordinaire, especially during that week in March. Doug should receive an award as last-minute scanner king. The Coll Magazine has invested in new software this year, enabling us to produce camera ready copy for the print shop in Oban.

Aside from the magazine's proceeds covering the cost of printing and typing, it is also our policy to support a variety of local community ventures. This has included helping to fund children's dance classes, theatrical productions and church renovations. In order to keep up with costs, and maintain a pool of money available for such causes, the magazine committee decided to raise the price, thus spreading a small load onto all the readers, rather than dumping a large increase onto advertisers. We realise that we are probably not marketing the magazine to its full potential and would welcome any suggestions or help readers can offer.

So! This issue has a distinct watery theme, particularly appropriate perhaps in a year of watery weather extremes: from none over the summer to lots of the frozen stuff at New Year. The articles reflect maritime industry and pleasure. We celebrate Coll's first licensed charter boat, delve into the sea's depths with diver Jim Houchen and learn about creel fishing. There are also articles about beached whales and an informative piece from the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust.

Aside from all the watery words, the magazine plays host to historical pieces, sporty bits, and arty stuff... in other words it is its usual eclectic mix, reflecting the lives, thoughts and musings of islanders, relatives, visitors and friends of the Isle of Coll.

We hope you enjoy this issue. I look forward to receiving your articles for next year and would like to thank all those who played a role in this year's issue.

Emma Grant

Editor                  Emma Grant
Editorial assistant  Nic Smith
Proof-readers       Charlie Self, Nic Smith, Anna Taylor
Typesetter          Emma Grant
Illustrators          Kip Poulson, Carole Evans
Finance              Charlie Self
Typing                Karlijn Dickison
Scanners            Alison Fraser, Doug Young

If you would like to subscribe to the 2002 edition, please send £ 4.00 (£5.00 overseas)
to Alison McVey, Ceann a Bhaigh, Isle of Coll, Argyll, PA78 6TE
Any questions/ queries/ comments, please contact
Emma Grant: or: Dig, Isle of Coll, Argyll, PA78 6TB 3
Coll Magazine - Article by Editor

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