Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by T. H. (2001)

ISLAND NEWS The Real Wild West

The Real Wild West
Mull Theatre

"... an irreverent and scurrilous history lesson..."

The Real Wild West - thought we knew all about it! Well, thanks to Mull Theatre for coming up and over with such an entertaining and perceptive condensed history of Argyll and The Isles.

The play was commissioned by the theatre and written by David Cosgrove. The Coll Hall date was a month into a 5 week tour so the company was well warmed and a slick performance delivered. Coll listed with The Traverse and The Tron, Eden Court, Aros Centre and Cumbernauld Theatre! We must appreciate Mull Theatre's policy to bring art to the people as almost 50% of the performances were staged in Village Halls on the West Coast. (Coll having a reputation for the largest audiences!)

Back to the plot...

The comedy began with a couple of American tourists who were taken on a trip by a chameleon like bartender. They raced through time from the primitive cave-dwellers; passing through cultural transitions, such as the' civilised' Celtic invasion of Pagan morals to latter day events including the Mod and a deserted rave in Tighnabruaich. Alongside knocking the various forms of establishment throughout the centuries there were many serious facts re-enacted, changing a school based perception of history. An example being the massive loss of life and investment when many shares were sold to develop the canal in Panama. All was lost with the proliferation of malaria. The scenes and costumes changed almost as fast as the crack. There were some unforgettable characters like the wizened and grumpy spider with Robert the Bruce, St. Columba and a local pagan. The meeting of Columba (dressed in such finery) and the pagan covered taboo subjects which could be aired most entertainingly with comedy. All in all it was a splendid mix of comedy and education bundled into a fast moving and completely captivating evening. We look forward to this years' "2001 - A Para Handy Odyssey" which is sure to have us rolling around and reminiscing simultaneously.

Coll Magazine - Article by T. H.

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