Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Leslie Bale (1996)

'Ah, I remember it well...'
"... being left with Bunty and Carol sitting on our luggage on the middle pier. We were like the Pilgrim Fathers. Stranded. No one to meet us.

Everyone else disappeared so quickly. There was only John Allan seeing to the ferryboat. When he was finished he came over. "You'll be for the Roundhouse. I'll be taking you."

How did he know who we were??

He packed our bags in the Vauxhall Vanguard.

Auntie Fottie was at the door waving a Union Jack. There was some other flag waving too. Auntie Katie was inside putting on the kettle and Mrs Campbell, the neighbour, came round.

What a welcome!"

Leslie Bale
Coll Magazine - Article by Leslie Bale

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