Coll The Coll Magazine

Article by Truus de Vries-Kruyt (1996)

COLLachs/Dr. Jan de Vries
Dr. Jan de Vries

Born in 1910, the eldest son of Friesian parents, He read physics and mathematics at Amsterdam University. After graduating cum laude he went to Berlin in 1933 to work in radio-chemistry.

At the outbreak of war he returned to Holland, was involved in the resistance and spent some time as a prisoner in Leeuwarden.

After the war he moved into industry. He came to be held in the highest esteem in the fields of learning, industry and politics.

Perhaps it was something of his Friesian background, or his love of the sea, which predisposd him to fall in love with Coll...

At his Memorial Service conducted by Reverend Symington on August 13th 1995, his wife Truus spoke about their shared joy in Coll.

"In 1963 my husband and I came to Coll on a day as glorious as the summer days we all enjoyed this year. In the summer of 1965 we brought our family for the first time to Coll and stayed with them in the Hotel. In 1966 we came to the Lodge. From that time on Coll got an ever stronger hold on every member of our family, not in the least our son Jan Maarten, who loved Coll intensely. Everywhere in the world people have asked us:'Why do you go so often to that extremely far away corner of the world?' It is not simple to answer that question. There is a magic on Coll that makes you come back, again and again. And then, there are the people on Coll...

From the beginning we were made so welcome here. Hugh and Chrissie MacKinnon were our first hosts and Nan Kennedy was our first housekeeper. Nan made us so welcome to the Lodge that each farewell was only possible because we were sure to come back. The many elderly friends, of whom we have lost so many in these thirty years, all gave us a feeling of belonging here. That was the real reason we came to stay longer, to be here without having to say goodbye so often.

Following my husband's illness we received such warmth and care from all around us. Dr. de Mornay and Esther were always available for help and advice. The loving care of the nursing team - Esther, Moira, Nancy, Susan, later Juliet; the never failing assistance of Colleen and Deryck Stove and the attendance of Barbara all made it possible for us to continue to stay in the Lodge.

We are grateful to all our friends on Coll and it is from the bottom of our hearts that our whole family wants to say 'thank you'."

Truus de Vries-Kruyt
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Dr Jan de Vries
Coll Magazine - Article by Truus de Vries-Kruyt

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